Leadership College is…
Leadership College is a 9 month experience where we focus on developing leaders for life. Each September, we welcome new students to join us in the North West of England.
For two days during the week, you will be with the staff and team on-site at our Edge Campus for teaching sessions, controversial clinics where we discuss important topics, leadership training and working on projects and serving alongside existing teams. We pride ourselves on being open, authentic and passionate about Jesus and the mantle to bring change to the places God has put us in with healthy leadership.
We are part of TCC – a multigenerational church who are passionate about seeing people follow Jesus, be changed by Him, and do the things He does.
Since our first intake in 2017, we have worked alongside local and international students to help them figure out their next big steps, equip them with invaluable tools for leading, and expose them to hands-on experiences where they can grow through the highs and lows of learning, and leading others.
Our greatest offering is an environment of people who are values-driven and passionate about the Kingdom of God and His church.

Every sphere of life requires authentic leadership. Whether in the home, marketplace, or in education, God invites us to be a part of something significant where we are now. We don’t have to be in a perfect situation to advance, God will use what is in our hands in the present day. Leadership College gives you a strong foundation to build on.
Spread over two days weekly, students experience individualised studies, practical experience and space to work alongside others using their gifts and skills. One day is a practical day, and one day is a study day.
Our goal is to see our students grow through their time at Leadership College, emerging not only with a greater knowledge of how to lead well, but holistically of themselves and the shape God has created them to be. Taking this beyond a title or a role, our prayer is that students are able to implement their experiences in normal life, as well as significant moments.

Study Day
Education can be a path to transformation. Raising and releasing leaders who can flourish across the spectrum of life is part of our heritage, and we’ve learned a lot about how this best works in real contexts. Study Day (each Wednesday) comprises of personal study time, research projects, controversial discussion clinics, and of course, an excellent curriculum.
Each of our students receive over 60 hours of input and guidance on a wide range of topics that reflect our value of developing well rounded, thinking leaders. We have many guest teachers and different expertise as part of our curriculum. We have four key units that our curriculum is based on:
Unit 1 | Leading in God
• Christian theology & doctrines
• Biblical & cultural studies
• Personal disciplines of devotion & discipleship
Unit 2 | Leading in Church
• Creating Christ-centred cultures
• Ecclesiology & contextual transformation
• Being a multi-generational leader
Unit 3 | Leading in the World
• Public speaking and communication studies
• Missiology & personal goals
• How to develop teams & individuals
Unit 4 | Leading yourself
• Discovering personal strengths & handling finance well
• Managing mental health & emotional intelligence
• Uncovering the God-given vision for your life

Practical Day
Learning through immersion and not just in the classroom is a key component in all we do as Leadership College. We provide ample opportunity for students to get behind the scenes at TCC and our campus, The Edge.
On Practical Day (each Tuesday), students will get hands on in the context of their choosing, apply what they discover in their study, and have the opportunity to experience leading others in real time. On a Sunday, students are part of our main Gathering team who make it happen and lead the way in their chosen streams.
When the students make their preferred option, they are paired with one of our leaders and empowered to develop that area alongside them. The options span the breadth of the organisation and it is a great way to gain work experience:
Discipleship & Mission
Developing cultures where discipleship and mission are a part of our ordinary everyday lives, and creating resources and pathways to enable growth.
Leadership Development
Cultivating whole-life leaders through our pipelines and helping to grow people who can confidently lead in every sector.
Business & Community
Work alongside The Edge Conferencing, our Finance team, with our Community Grocery or other avenues of community engagement.
Gatherings & Creating Environments
Developing Gatherings, join TCC Worship, creative and media teams, or work directly with youth and children through Live Free and Kids Church.
We are very open minded about our students involvement, and this is something we can discuss further prior to application to help you make your decision.